I haven’t Met My Expectations After Medical School; Nigerian Doctor in ESUTH Parklane

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I haven’t Met My Expectations in Medical School

Dr. Gaby – Nigerian Doctor in Esuth Parklane

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The Society’s Perception of the Medical Profession in Nigeria

Getting admission to Nigerian medical school is one of the greatest dreams of pre-degree students in countries like Nigeria. The Medical Profession is one that is greatly envied by society at large. But little do people know about the mental stress and challenges these

Medical students and doctors pass through. The more painful part is that most Medical students have the expectations that they will be freed from these burdens and expectations upon graduation from Medical school. But do they meet these expectations as a medical student?

One doctor said in a discussion that the Medical Profession is a lifestyle and more of a journey. It is not like other professions that may entail going to work today, and taking a leave from work the next day.

Even if you are not doing your duty as a doctor in your place of work, you will still do it a home, on the roadsides, and in meetings with friends. So it’s more like a cross that is to be carried, not just an occupation or a job.

I Haven’t Met My Expectations in Medical School – Nigerian Doctor in Esuth Parklane

expectations in medical school

Name: Dr. Gabby

Medical School Attended: ESUT

As a Medical Student, What were your expectations upon graduation?

That I will have choices of works to choose from. I also believed that I will be cherished by my senior colleagues and society and that I would learn all kinds of surgery during my housemanship. I thought it would be simple for me to make a choice of area of specialization.

Do You Think You Have Met Up With These Expectations?

No. I have not met my expectations in medical school.

What Factors Do You Think Prevented You From Meeting These Expectations?

The System of Medical Practice in Nigeria tends to suppress the younger doctors, instead of encouraging them. So making most young doctors leave here (the country). They kill your dream and passion for the job.

What was Your Greatest Mistake as a Medical Student or Yong Doctor Which may have affected your career path?

I can’t really say, but I changed my path (from being a surgeon to a physician), after seeing how much the surgeons are being stressed. (Little manpower with much stress). After asking so many questions and found out that most surgeons don’t have time for their families.

What Could You Have Done Better as a Medical Student or Young Doctor?

I can’t say. But knowing more of the basic medicine, doing frequent discussions with the younger doctors or students, being an encouragement to other doctors.

What is your advice to Medical students and Young Doctors in Nigeria?

Have a free mind about the profession. Money should not be the first on your mind because medicine won’t give you all that kind of plenty of money easily. Choose your career wisely based on what you are comfortable with. Always ask for God’s assistance in whatever you do.

What is Your Take on Multi-tasking as a Medical Student?

I don’t have anything against it. But if a Medical student or young doctor has chosen to multi-task, the person should also put his best in medical practice as well.

Do you Think Being a Doctor is the Best thing you could have been?

(laughs)…For me, Yes! I had always wanted to help save a life.

Any Other General Advice You Can Share With Medical Students?

Keep discussing Medicine to build your confidence and passion. Choose wisely where you want to practice (Naija or Jand), and pursue it.


This interview is an eye-opener to all Medical students out there. It is important that we note that we may not always meet our expectations as Medical Students upon graduation from Medical School. But should we stop having expectations?

The answer is no. Let us remember that this is just one interview, and the response is highly subjective and depends on many other factors like the Medical school attended our tolerance and stress levels, etc.

The most important thing I think we should all note from the interview is that we should be open-minded as medical students. Having a closed mind especially when it is related to where you would love to specialize in the future can be very harmful.

Also, open-mindedness will help you learn how to relate and interact better with colleagues and older Doctors. From these people, you will keep learning new things that could be relevant to your career path.

Moreover, discussion with colleagues helps to fuel your passion and confidence in the medical profession.

Find communities and groups of like-minded Medical students and join them. They could be on WhatsApp, Facebook, or even pages of influencers on Twitter and Instagram…Whatever works!

The most important thing is that you never lose the passion with which you entered medical school.

Also, it is imperative that you don’t close your minds to other things and concepts that are not related to medicine and health practice. Cross-sectional collaboration is very vital if you really want to still be relevant wherever you find yourself.

To learn more about cross-sectional collaboration, ensure you go through this interview we conducted with the founder of Edmedicare School of Relevance. He is Dr. Ibeleme Okezie, a young doctor with great dreams for the health care system.

Finally, multitasking is not bad if you can combine it with your studies in school. Entrepreneurship is now being placed highly as one of the best solutions to innovating the healthcare system.


The interviewee advised medical students not to put so much mind on money as their major aim upon graduation as medical practice won’t give you all the money you want in life that easily.

At least I feel hopeful because most young doctors I know are living comfortably. So we can let passion lead the way, and money will follow.

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